As roughly half the country is celebrating, and the other roughly half is mourning, I’m wondering how Americans keep falling for this crap. The president elected to run this country should not be hated by half of the people. To all of you bashing Trump, yes, he is a jackass. He has offended women, people with handicaps, different religions, and the LGBT community. However, if Clinton won, we would have a president that is the poster child for political corruption, has gotten away with crimes that almost anyone else would be in jail for, and for all of you thinking she is pro LGBT, think again. Clinton has accepted MILLIONS from countries that she knew were giving weapons to ISIS, funded 911, and, oh yea, KILL you if you are LGBT. Her priority is her pocketbook, not your rights.
However, throughout this election, Gary Johnson stuck to his morals, stood up for his beliefs, and over 4,000,000 people supported him. Even the people that claimed he was a moron, all they could come up with was Allepo and not picking his favorite foreign leader quickly. Are you freakin kidding me? That is your argument? Take a good look at your candidate. Whether it was Trump or Clinton, they do not have the morals, integrity, or EXPERIENCE that Johnson has. He is the ONLY candidate that wants to balance the budget, bring our troops home, and reduce the power of the government.
Governor Johnson, I am proud to be one of the 4,000,000 that voted for you, not as a protest vote, but because you were by far the best hope for this country. I hope that this country survives until the next election, and that you provide us with a real alternative to the 2 party system that is ripping this country apart. I have had enough of republicans vs democrats. How about we vote based on the candidate, NOT because we are told we need to support one of 2 crappy parties. #garyjohnson2020