The REAL Questions We Should Be Asking Trump and Clinton

Debates have the potential to really open your eyes about a candidate.  However, that only means so much when the person asking the questions doesn’t ask the right questions.  I DON’T CARE ABOUT OBAMA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE!  There are more important things to be talking about.  So, if I were asking the questions in the last debate, here is what I would have asked.

hillary-clinton-ear-pieceMrs. Clinton, you have a reputation as being the most corrupt politician alive, and possibly of all time.  Even President Obama has pointed out how you have taken more money from special interest groups than ANYONE else.  Political corruption is something that is destroying this country, and people are tired of it.  What is your plan to put an end to it, and why should we believe you considering your track record?

Wait, before you answer!

I’m sorry Mrs. Clinton, I’m going to need to ask you to remove the earpiece before we proceed with this debate.

trump-lawsuitsMr. Trump, you claim that you will make America great again.  Many working class Americans look at you as a symbol of hope for the working man.  However, dozens of small businesses have come forward and pointed out that you have screwed them, not paying them for their services, or under paying them.  Your track record shows that you will do whatever you can to help big business (YOU).  How do you plan to help everyday Americans, and why should we believe you based on your track record?

This question is for both candidates.  Out national debt is approaching $20 TRILLION.  Many believe that it is the biggest threat to our nation.  What steps will you take to get the debt under control, and start paying off the unsustainable debt that we have?


This question is also for both candidates.  Our military budget is equal to the next largest 14 countries military budgets added together.  We are in virtually every country in the world, whether they want us there or not.  What is your plan for the military, bringing our troops home, and getting out military budget under control?

Mr. Johnson…………..Governor Gary Johnson………….Has anybody seen Governor Gary Johnson?

What do you mean he wasn’t invited?  How can the candidate leading the active military and under 34 demographics not be invited to the debate?

I know he isn’t at 15% in the national polls, but they are not polling his largest following.  If they did he would be well over 20%.  Oh, the democrats and republicans control the debates.  Gotcha.

This is ridiculous!  Let me know when Governor Johnson gets here, and then we can have a real debate!

Have a nice day!

Joe Malone

OK, you are probably wondering who this Joe Malone guy is and why you should care what he thinks. Well, I'm a husband, father, teacher, entrepreneur, and mildly entertaining guy who is simply sick of watching this country go down the drain.

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