Have you ever been called a white supremacist? What about a racist? I have, several times now. Why? For sharing statistics. Yes, you read that correctly. I have pointed out statistics that go against the narratives that Democrats and the media push, and I was called a racist and a white supremacist. I have been criticized for not supporting BLM (the organization, not the fact that black lives do indeed matter). Why? I am going to share some very basic facts with you. If you think that these facts make me a white supremacist, you are entitled to your opinion. It is a stupid opinion, but hey, we are each entitled to our thoughts.
- More white people are killed by police than black people EVERY YEAR. This is not my opinion. This is a statistical fact. https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/ So, what is it that the let is talking about when they say that black people are over twice as likely as white people to be killed by police? That statistic is based on population size. They say that since there are fewer black people, the numbers should be lower than they are. They argue that the number of black people killed by police should be consistent with the population size. Here is how that conversation usually goes.
Me: More white people are killed than black people by the police every year.
Them: That is a lie!
Me: Here is the proof (presents them with proof).
Them (after doing a Google search): Look, Politico says that is misleading because there are less black people.
Me: So are you saying that the percentage of black people killed should be equal to the percentage of the population that is black?
Them: Absolutely!
Me: And you are saying that because the numbers do not match up the system is racist?
Them, Yes!
Me: About 49% of the US population is men but they are the victims of about 98% or police shootings. Does that mean the system is sexist?
Them: You sound so stupid. Men commit more crime so they are more likely to be shot!
Me (staring at them awkwardly): So you are telling that the system is not sexist even though men are severely disproportionally shot by police because those men make decisions that lead to them being shot?
Them (starting to look confused): Yes.
Me: Is it possible that the number of black people killed by police is not proportional to the population size because of choices those people are making (I sometimes point out that almost all police shootings occur when police are responding to a violent offense).
Them: OMG you are such a racist. You are what is wrong with this country.
Me: Which shootings happened because the person was black?
Them: All of them!
Me: Michael Brown was attacking the officer (proven by 3 investigations, including one by Obama’s Department of Justice). Breonna Taylor was shot when police returned fire after her boyfriend fired the first shot. Jacob Blake was resisting arrest, was fighting with officers, and went to open his car door, all while being ordered to stop. He was shot as a last resort.
Them: You are what is wrong with this country!
Do you see what I am getting to here? It doesn’t matter what facts you present. It doesn’t matter if there is no evidence other than their feelings to support their argument, they will not back down. Here are some more of my favorites.
Them: Abortion is not murder, it is a women’s choice?
Me: A women’s choice to do what?
Them: End the pregnancy.
Me: By doing what?
Them: (Usually starting to look aggravated) By getting rid of the fetus.
Me: You mean the baby?
Them: It is not a baby! It is a cluster of cells.
Me: So are you and I. Are you saying it isn’t a human being?
Them: No.
Me: Do you believe in science?
Them: Of course, I am not some science-denying republican!
Me: Science says life begins at conception (https://acpeds.org/position-statements/when-human-life-begins). If it is alive, it is a human being. It does not change from a different species to a human. If an abortion ends that life, isn’t that murder?
Them: It is a women’s body. Her body her choice!
Me: The abortion does not cut up and vacuum out her body. It cuts up the baby. It takes a living being and ends its life. That is murder.
Them: My body my choice…..my body my choice……my body my choice!
Me: What are your thoughts on mandatory vaccines?
Them: People should definitely need to get them. It is a matter of saving lives.
Me: My body my choice……my body my choice……my body my choice!
Them: You are so selfish. People can die if you don’t get a vaccine.
Me: Didn’t you just say a woman can kill her baby because it is her choice?
Them: It isn’t the same thing!
Me: You are right. Every abortion ends with a dead baby. Most people that don’t get vaccines are fine.
Them: You are such a sexist!
I could do this all day, but let’s just do one more. This has been a fun one lately.
Them: Donald Trump has destroyed our democracy. He questioned the election results!
Me: Haven’t democrats and the media been questioning the 2016 results for 4 years?
Them: That is different, Trump only won because of Russian interference.
Me: What are you basing that on?
Them: Are you serious? If you don’t know I’m not going to tell you.
Me: You are aware that everything democrats and the media was saying was not only never confirmed, the source was a report that the Clinton campaign paid for, using a foreign spy as the source?
Them: You need to stop watching Fox news
Me: I don’t. These are all facts. These things have been proven. So, why was it OK for democrats to spend 4 years questioning the results when they lost, but Trump is ruining the country when he questions it when he lost?
Them: Because they have proved there was no voter fraud.
Me: Really? I wonder if they forgot to tell all of the people who have been arrested for voter fraud? Maybe the thousands of signed affidavits were all fake?
Them: Are you seriously questioning the election results?
Me: I think with all of the statistical irregularities, sworn testimonies, and the number of confirmed cases of voter fraud, it is irresponsible to not at least want more information.
Them: You are such a conspiracy theorist!
Me: Because I would like things looked into? I am not saying Trump won. I am saying it is irresponsible to ignore the evidence, and that democrats have no right to criticize Trump for doing what they did.
Them: You are such a white supremacist!
Me: Huh?
You see, one thing I have learned in the last year or so is that when someone needs to resort to calling me a racist or a white supremacist, it means I won the argument. They have nothing but their feelings to use for their arguments, and they think that calling you a name means they won.
There is no logic to their arguments. There is no data to their arguments.