For 4 years Trump supporters were repeatedly delivered a message from both Democrats and the media. If you support Trump, you are a racist! 62,984,828 people voted for Trump in 2016. We have been told that they are all racist. It doesn’t matter if someone knew nothing about you. They believed that Trump is racist, and came to the conclusion that you must be racist. If you are a minority and supported Trump, they called you a race traitor, said you drank the punch, or simply said you didn’t know what you were talking about. Now, let’s apply this same logic to Democrats.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both support unrestricted abortion. This includes abortion up until the moment of birth. The party that claims Republicans are science deniers say that it is not a baby until it is born. They must be ignoring the fact that science specifically states that life begins at conception. Don’t believe me? Here are the facts.,(5212%20out%20of%205502). Now, if you say it isn’t a life, you ar ethe science denier.
Now, let’s take this a step further. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris not only support unrestricted abortion, but they want tax dollars to pay for those abortions. Think about this. You are pro-life. You don’t think babies should be killed because they are an inconvenience. Your tax dollars will pay for abortions if Biden and Harris get their way. Let me make something very clear here. Having an bortion is an elective surgery. Not only that, but it is an elective surgery that literally ends a life. They want tax dollars to be used for this. You can say “every woman should have the right to access n abortion if she wants it.” You can think that all you want, but I shouldn’t need to pay for it. I like babies. I think they are freakin awesome.
Now, here is where a lot of people who voted for Biden are going to get defensive. If you voted for Biden/Harris, you support tax dollar funded abortions up until the moment of birth. You may be saying to yourself, “No, I voted for Biden for other reasons.” Well, based on the logic being used against Republicans since 2016, that doesn’t matter. If Republicans are racist for supporting Trump because you think Trump is a Racist, you must support killing babies that are about to be born if you are one of the 81,282,903 people who voted for Biden.
Does this all sound crazy? Are you thinking that it is unfair that I place you in a generalized category because of who you voted for? This is what Republicans have been dealing with. They have been told that any racist thing that happens in this country is because of the people who voted for Trump. Well, that means that every baby that gets ripped to pieces and thrown into a garbage bag, or that gets a lethal injection before getting a chance at life, that is your fault if you voted for Biden.