I shared a post on Facebook recently about how messed up our government is, and one comment really got me thinking. “But you have the solution right?” What would I do if I were president? I am not a politician. I am a 35 year old special education teacher, a husband, a father, and a 3rd party voter. While I firmly believe that no president will ever make everyone happy, here is what I would do to start turning this country around.
- As Trump would say, “Drain the swamp.” From legislators that meet with lobbyist to write laws to a Pentagon that “can’t account for” over 6 TRILLION dollars, there are a lot of people getting really rich for doing things they shouldn’t be doing. It is time to not only start removing them from ANY government position, but also to start prosecuting them. Here is a quick video (one of MANY that I could share) to show you how our elected officials are REALLY making decisions that impact our lives!
Enough said about that.
2. TERM LIMITS ON CONGRESS – This is another way to reduce corruption, introduce new ideas and perspectives, and, oh yea, reduce corruption! Congress will NEVER do this to themselves. Thankfully, states are starting to rally together to stand against the joke that has become Congress. They have become too powerful, and make decisions out of personal interest and profit, not about what is best for America.
3. LAWS ARE THE SAME FOR EVERYONE – Enough of this garbage where government officials have different laws than us common folk. If it is a law for us, it is a law for them, PERIOD!
4. STOP DEFICIT SPENDING – I know, this one sound impossible. After all, if we could manage that, why would Obama have added almost 10 TRILLION dollars to our national debt? We don’t really have a choice though. Many “experts” (I use that terms in quotes because I don’t know what makes them experts) say what is actually obvious to anyone with common sense. Our 20 TRILLION dollar debt may be the biggest threat facing this country. This video is a little old, but it gets the point across about the problem that our last few presidents have created.
So, what is the solution? I honestly don’t know. The first step is eliminating the insane spending and corruption in the government. Only then will we even be able to begin fixing the problem.
5. TOO BIG TO FAIL……I THINK NOT! – It is NOT the governments job to take a failing company and use tax dollars to save them. The companies that were bailed out screwed up. They had bad business practices, and even broke laws. There was ZERO punishment, and they were given BILLIONS of dollars. Enough is enough. If they are not going to bail out the mom & pop store that is struggling to stay afloat, why are they going to bail out companies that are paying CEOs millions? I know, people are going to say that the economy would have too many problems if they weren’t bailed out. Short term would probably be pretty brutal, but this is America. We say that we are great, let’s show it! Here is a quick video that explains bailouts.
Enough said!
6. YES, YOU NEED IDENTIFICATION TO VOTE! – Voter ID was a bit of a hot topic in the recent election. I’m sorry, but common sense says that the only reason you wouldn’t require voters to need ID is because you are trying to get away with something. Many democrats tried to play the racism card on this one, saying it would be too hard for minorities to get identification. Really? If you want a job, you need ID. If you get benefits, you need ID. Most people (regardless of race) either have a job or get benefits, so they have an ID. Am I missing something? If you don’t have an ID, it is a lack of ambition, not ability.
7. REVAMP PROPERTY TAXES! It is sad that in most states, you NEVER own your home. I repeat, you NEVER own your home. You are simply renting it from the government. If you don’t believe me, stop paying your property taxes. The government will come in and take your home. You could buy a home for $1,000,000, pay off the entire mortgage, and you still don’t own it. If you stop paying property taxes, it is no longer yours, even though you paid for it. Does anybody else see a problem with that? If they must have it, taking your home should not be an option for defaulting. It is NOT the governments property, it is yours! We broke away from England for doing less than our government is doing AGAINST us now.
8. SIMPLIFY THE TAX CODE! The Libertarians have the right idea here. Stop taking taxes out of people’s checks, and increase the tax rate on purchases. This will eliminate tax loopholes used by corporations, make it so people working under the table are still paying the same taxes as everyone else, and give you more control over your income. One of the biggest arguments for this style of tax code is that it would make it so the rich pay more taxes. I had someone arguing with me recently that this would not work because the rich don’t spend as much as the poor. When I asked why not, the response was, “They are rich, they don’t need to.” Huh? I think that what he was getting at was that many rich people got where they are because they are smart with their money. Maybe this will teach the poor to be a little smarter with their money. I can’t tell you how many times someone has told me they are broke, but when I ask about bills, they are spending $200 + a month for crazy cable packages, have the newest cell phones, a new car, $200 shoes, etc. Meanwhile, my friends who are wealthy drive used cars, don’t buy crazy expensive clothes, and probably donate more money than they spend. I know, I started getting off topic a little there. Sorry, let’s get back on track.
9. GUN CONTROL! What kind of article would this be to leave out this hot topic. DO YOUR RESEARCH! Legal gun owners are NOT the ones out there committing crimes. The number of incident involving licensed conceal carry owners are insanely low. WE ARE NOT THE PROBLEM! It is the illegal guns out there that are causing the problems. Taking guns from responsible gun owners will just make it easier for criminals to commit crimes. Here is a little statistic the media won’t show you, but even Clinton’s team couldn’t deny it. On average, about 200,000 sexual assaults are STOPPED each year because the woman is carrying a gun. Instead of making it so that we can protect ourselves from criminals, you have delusional politicians that want more laws on guns. More people die from SECOND HAND SMOKE than guns each year.
10. MINIMUM OF 4 PARTIES IN PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES! Am I the only one fed up with the 2 party system. IT DOESN’T WORK! It is 2 groups of bullies fighting for power, and throwing temper tantrums when they don’t get their way. I read an article recently where the Democrats were bragging about how they can stop everything Trump tries to do. I’m sorry, I thought the government was supposed to work together for the good of the people? It is not supposed to be one team against the other. It is supposed to be one team! The 2 parties in control have shown that they are nothing more than immature babies fighting to get their way. They have long since forgotten what is best for the people. We are not here to serve them, they are supposed to be serving us! Let’s get some new faces in there, some new ideas in there, and start trying to actually save this country before we go the way of every other major government in history.
No, we are NOT different than the civilizations of the past. You know, the ones that we read about, but they aren’t here anymore because they fell apart. We are heading down that road faster than any politician wants you to know. While this list was in no way the only 10 things that need to be done, they are just 10 that came to mind. There are so many areas that need repair. This is just a starting point.
Have a nice day!