Why Do Democrats Suddenly Care About Sexual Misconduct

If you have been paying any attention to the news, you know that things are getting crazy.  At first, democrats were calling for any republican with an accusation against them to resign, while saying nothing about democrats with allegations against them.  Next, they began turning on the less useful democrats.  Not, they are claiming the moral high ground, saying zero tolerance.  Why the big change?  I have 2 thoughts, and I think it it probably a blend of the 2.

  1. They started to realize people are not complete idiots, and that they were starting to catch on to how hypocritical the democrats are.
  2. Their first shot at impeaching Trump failed horribly, even though more than 50 democrats did vote to impeach based on, well, nothing.  There was no crime actually listed in the impeachment filings.  Why not?  Because they have not found a crime.  Now they need to try something new, and since they are now conveniently against sexual misconduct, they can use it against Trump.

As far as what is actually going on with Trump, it is anyone’s guess.  It turns out that both women making claims are tied to a group that is funded by people who donated tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton campaign.  No charges have been filed.  There are also no rape allegations, which makes things pretty interesting.

What is considered sexual harassment/misconduct?  These women are claiming that Trump groped/kissed them against their will.  This is where things get really difficult.  If Trump groped a women, should he be impeached?  If you say yes, you must have wanted Clinton impeached too, since he went well beyond groping.  If not, you are a hypocrite.  You also must want Joy Behar fired.  Let me make this very clear.  I am in no way saying that sexual misconduct is ever OK.  What I am saying is that you can’t be selective.  Groping is wrong or it isn’t.  If Trump did it, and he is wrong, everyone else that does it wrong, including women who do it to men.  If Trump is wrong for kissing a women without permission, a women kissing a man without permission is just as wrong.  If you don’t agree, you are a sexist pushing a double standard.

It is becoming very scary for men out there, whether you are the president or an everyday regular Joe.  If a woman makes a claim, your life will never be the same. It does not matter of there is any truth to it or not.  We live in a country that claims you are innocent until proven guilty.  That does not seem to be true when it comes to sexual misconduct claims.  Democrats have made fun of Pence for his strict rules about not being alone with women.  It is sounding like a better idea as more accusations come out.  As far as Trump goes, time will tell how this all plays out.

Joe Malone

OK, you are probably wondering who this Joe Malone guy is and why you should care what he thinks. Well, I'm a husband, father, teacher, entrepreneur, and mildly entertaining guy who is simply sick of watching this country go down the drain.

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