Now Men Can Decide When Women Get Abortions in New York

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Imagine you are a pregnant woman. You are 8 months pregnant. You have been feeling your baby kick, singing to it, reading to it, whatever you have been doing to bond with it. Someone decides to assault you, and it results in your baby being killed. That person faces NO CHARGES for the murder of your child! That is how it works in New York now.


I’ve never been pregnant (you know…… because I’m a dude), but I have 2 children. I was in love with my children the second I knew my wife was pregnant. The fact that New York degraded unborn children to essentially worthless is a disgrace to the human race. How did we get here? Let’s take a quick look.


In case you haven’t been following, New York has made some drastic changes to its laws in 2019. I’m going to explain just how insane the new laws are. Now that Democrats officially run the state, there is nobody to stop them from pushing their agenda forward. In this case, that agenda is abortion.

New York’s 2019 Abortion Laws

What most people have heard is the right to abortion has been extended until birth in New York. That should not come as a surprise since it is actually in the democratic platform that they want abortion until birth, and New York is not the only state that now allows that. However, New York had to take it one step further, which is what separates them (not in a good way)

Changing The Definition of Murder

You see, in order for people to not mistake abortion for murder (which it is), New York needed to change its murder laws. While murder used to include killing a child of 22 weeks or older inside the mother, they removed that from the law. That might now sound like a big deal, but it is a HUGE deal. Let’s look at why.

If a woman is beaten, and the baby dies, IT IS NOT CONSIDERED MURDER! Yes, you read that correctly. There is no longer a law about killing the baby inside of a mother, whether she plans on keeping that baby or not! You could be on your way to the hospital to deliver your baby, and someone could end your pregnancy without faces charges.

Men Determining When Abortions Should Happen

If you have been following along, you may have already figured out what I was talking about in the title of this article. Think about it. If a man in New York decides that he doesn’t want the child, he can abuse the mother to the point that she loses the baby. Yes, he can face assault charges. That is a far cry from murder. New York has created a way for men to cause an involuntary abortion, killing a child that the mother has every intention of giving birth to.

The fact the New York literally had to change its definition of murder to accommodate their 2019 abortion laws should tell you a lot. Even the pro-choice people that I know have always said that it is murder if someone besides the mother causes the baby to die.

I’d love to know your thoughts on this situation. Please comment below, and if you think that this is something that other people need to read, like and share this article. Thank you for taking the time to read it.

Joe Malone

OK, you are probably wondering who this Joe Malone guy is and why you should care what he thinks. Well, I'm a husband, father, teacher, entrepreneur, and mildly entertaining guy who is simply sick of watching this country go down the drain.

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